Student Engagement and Interaction

The following guidelines will support student engagement with the course material and help foster a sense of community and connection with the facilitator and other participants in the course.


An opportunity is available for student and faculty introductions. Introductions help students get to know each other and the course facilitator and create a supportive learning environment and a sense of community. Introductions may be facilitated in various ways, such as online discussion or live class sessions (face to face or virtual).

 Instructions: Create Discussion Forums and Topics

Q&A Discussion Topic

A Q&A discussion topic is a way for students to ask questions about the course whenever they have them. The questions can be viewed and answered by anyone in the course.

 Instructions: Create Discussion Forums and Topics

Learning Activities

There is a focus on active learning through structured activities, discussions, practice, projects. Activities tell the students to do something; they are not just readings or resources.


Course activities include several opportunities for meaningful class discussions, where students learn by interacting with the facilitator and peers.

 Instructions: Create Discussion Forums and Topics