Exporting ePortfolio items
When you export an item, you also export the item's description, tags, and settings. You do not export information about the user who created the item, users who left comments on the item, or assessments for the item. When you import an item, the system assumes that the item was created by the importing user.
With the exception of HTML presentations, you cannot export items for offline viewing. Exported items can only be imported into another Desire2Learn ePortfolio or systems that support the Desire2Learn ePortfolio XML format.
You can export your entire ePortfolio or specific items. If you export specific items, select Automatically include associated items to ensure you also export any related items you might want. If an item has multiple associations, it will only appear once in the exported zip file.
Export all items in your ePortfolio
- On the Import/Export ePortfolio Content page, click Export.
- Click All Items.
Remove unwanted items from the export list by clicking the
Remove icon beside those items.
- Click Export.
Click View progress of the export package and click the link for your export file when the file packaging completes.
Tip If you want to navigate away from this page or close the window, you can retrieve your export package from the Import/Export area in the Recent Activity list.
- Save the export file to your computer or storage device.
Export specific items in your ePortfolio
- On the Import/Export ePortfolio Content page, click Export.
- Click Selected Items.
- Click Add Items.
- Select the items you want to export and click Add.
Remove unwanted items from the export list by clicking the
Remove icon for those items.
- Click Export.
Click View progress of the export package and click the link for your export file when the file packaging completes.
Tip If you want to navigate away from this page or close the window, you can retrieve your export package from the Import/Export area in the Recent Activity list.
- Save the export file to your computer or storage device.
Export a single ePortfolio item
Click Export from the context menu of an artifact, reflection, collection, presentation, or learning objective. If you export a presentation, there is an option to export it to HTML format. See Exporting presentations to HTML for more information.