Keyboard-only navigation tips
Learning Environment is a learning management system that enables you to access course material online. There are a number of learning tools within the system that course content is contained in. This topic provides some basic advice for people who navigate Learning Environment using a keyboard or assistive technologies that emulate a keyboard.
Table of contents
- Navigating pages using a keyboard
- Browser accesskeys
- Navigating the HTML Editor
- Account Settings
- Navigating the Capture Portal
Navigating pages using a keyboard
Note If your organization's Learning Environment includes integrations with Kaltura or Capture, we recommend that you use Internet Explorer 8 or higher to avoid possible keyboard traps in those media players.
Use the Tab key on your keyboard to navigate the options on a page. Use Shift + Tab to return to a previous option. Learning Environment highlights page elements that you can interact with (such as links, fields and buttons) as you tab through them, to make it easier for you to complete tasks and select options.
Press the Enter or Return key to select a link or button.
Use the Down Arrow and Up Arrow keys to navigate drop-down lists that have an Apply or Go button beside them.
Use Alt + Down Arrow keys (Windows and Linux) or Option + Down Arrow keys (Mac) to open drop-down lists that do not have an Apply or Go button, and then use the Down Arrow, Up Arrow and Enter keys to select an item in the drop-down.
Use the Enter or Return key to open a menu (such as a context menu, an alert or the course selector), and then use the Tab key and Enter key to select a link.
Use the Space Bar to select a check box or radio button option.
Use the Down Arrow and Up Arrow to change a radio button option.
Important Do not use Alt + F4 to close pop-up windows or pages. This action closes your browser.
Browser access keys
Different browsers use different keystrokes to activate access key shortcuts:
- Internet Explorer 8+: Use Alt + [accesskey] (Windows/Linux) or Control + [accesskey] (Mac)
- Firefox: Use Alt + Shift + [accesskey] (Windows/Linux) or Control + [accesskey] (Mac)
- Chrome: Use Alt + [accesskey] (Windows/Linux) or Control + Option + [accesskey] (Mac)
- Safari 4+: Use Alt + [accesskey] (Windows/Linux) or Control + Option + [accesskey] (Mac)
Navigating the HTML Editor
Use the Tab key and Shift + Tab keys to navigate through the options in the HTML Editor.
Use the Shift + Arrow Keys to highlight content in the main content area of the editor.
Use the Shift + Alt + Q keys to jump to the top tool menu of the editor.
Use the Shift + Alt + Z keys to jump to the main content area of the editor.
Use the Shift + Alt + X keys to jump to the element path for the editor.
Account Settings
There are a number of settings in the Account Settings tool that you may find useful when navigating Learning Environment by keyboard.
Account Settings tab
- The Login Destination option lets you log directly into a course, rather than My Home. This option can simplify navigation if you are only taking one or a few courses.
- Select the Show secondary windows as pop-ups option to simplify secondary window navigation.
- Some keyboard dependent users find the HTML Editor cumbersome to use and prefer to create HTML content in external tools. There is an option to Turn off the rich text editor and view source. The HTML Editor is replaced with a text field that supports HTML content.
Discussions tab
- Clear the Always show the Discussions List pane option to simplify the layout of discussion lists.
- Some users also Include original post in reply so they don’t have to move between discussion posts as frequently.
Email tab
- Clear the Show the Message Preview pane and Show the Folder List pane options to simplify the layout of your Inbox.
- Some users also Include original message in email replies so they don’t have to move between messages as frequently.
Metadata tab
Choose the Basic option to simplify movement through the main metadata page.
Navigating the Capture Portal
We recommend that you use Internet Explorer 8 or higher to navigate the Capture Portal.
Use the Tab key and Shift + Tab keys to move through the Capture Portal.
The first tab stop enables you to Skip Over Navigation.
The second tab stop displays media player controls to control presentation playback. These player controls also have access key equivalents (keyboard shortcuts):
- Toggle Playback is access key 1.
- Seek Reverse is access key 2.
- Seek Forward is access key 3.
- Volume Down is access key 4.
- Volume Up is access key 5.
- Focus Video is access key 6.
If you are tabbing inside the media player, use the Space Bar to select an option.