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Understanding the Dashboard

The Dashboard is the main landing page for ePortfolio. To return to your Dashboard from another ePortfolio page, click ePortfolio from the tool navigation.

From the Dashboard page, you can add new content to your ePortfolio, review recent activity on your items and items shared with you, and check invites from your peers.

Adding new content

You can add new content to your ePortfolio using the options available in the Build your ePortfolio area or add reflections, file and link artifacts in the "What are you learning?" panel.

"What are you learning?" panel

The "What are you learning?" panel above the newsfeed prompts you to record brief thoughts about a current learning experience which you can expand upon at a later date. You can also add file artifacts or a link artifact to your ePortfolio or associate them with your brief reflection.

When you post an item, it automatically shares with the default sharing group you specified in your ePortfolio settings.

Note If reflection or artifact posts do not appear in your newsfeed, select Include modifications I make on my items in my newsfeed in your ePortfolio settings.

Using the newsfeed

The newsfeed consolidates recent activity on your items and items shared with you, providing a quick way to return to active projects. Your items appear in this area if they have been recently edited, commented on, or assessed. If you contribute a comment, an edit, or an assessment to another user's item, that item also appears in the newsfeed and you can seecontributions others are making to it.

Filters at the top of the newsfeed enable you to search and view specific sets of content; you can filter recent activity by ownership (yours versus others' items), people and items you've subscribed to, and items from contacts in the Pager tool (Friends List).

Checking your invites

The Unread Invites area displays your recent invites, including the author of the invite, the message content, and the associated ePortfolio item.

See Viewing items shared with you for more information about Invites.

Check your invites

View the Unread Invites area of your Dashboard for recent invites or click View invites page for past invites.

See also
