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RSS for Learning Repository

You can subscribe to RSS feeds in Learning Repository. There are three types of RSS feeds available:

About repository RSS feeds

Repository RSS feeds provide notification support for workflow updates in local and harvested repositories. Repository feeds update when any of the following events occur:

  • A user publishes a new object.
  • The status of an existing object changes from hidden to unhidden.
  • An existing object moves from one repository to a different repository.

RSS feeds save time for users that manage learning object repositories and support efficient workflows. For example, content control specialists receive immediate notification of new publications to review versus spending time checking a repository for new learning objects.

About browse path RSS feeds

Browse path RSS feeds help you keep track of new learning objects published to classifications of your interest.

In addition, browse path RSS feeds uses include:

  • Tracking activity for all objects tagged with specific learning objectives.
  • Accreditation committees tracking new assessment materials.
  • Instructors making feeds available to students individually or within a homepage widget for remediation, enrichment, or general interest.

You can choose the degree to which your feeds are specialized, dependent on the granularity of the classifications specified by your institution. See Browsing Learning Repository's content for information on browsing.

About collection RSS feeds

Collection RSS feeds help you keep track of learning objects that have been added to collections that interest or impact you.

See also
