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Editing an email folder

The amount of information you can edit depends on the type of folder you are editing. While you can change the name, the parent folder, and delete folders you have created, you can only change the name of system-created folders. You cannot delete system-created folders (Trash, Draft, Inbox, Address Book), nor can you change their parent folder.


Adding an email folder

  1. On the Folder Management page, click New Folder.
  2. Select the Folder Type.
  3. Enter a Folder Name.
  4. Assign the folder a Parent Folder, if applicable. Choosing a parent folder means that the folder you add nests within the parent folder. Choose "None" if you do not want the folder to have a parent. You can nest folders as deep as you want.
  5. Click Save.

Sorting email messages

To sort the messages in the inbox, click the icon or title representing the type of sort you want to perform.

You can sort the messages by their priority, whether they contain attachments, as well as by their From, Subject, Date, and Size attributes.



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