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Video Note

Learner topics

Video Note enables you to create video recordings from your webcam and insert them through HTML Editor's Insert Stuff option, and anywhere video attachments are supported. If you have permissions to access Video Note Search, you can also search and insert video notes made by you and other users.



Learner topics

Use the Locker tool to upload and store files in Learning Environment. Locker enables you to upload files from your PC, or to create new HTML files.


Submitting to a dropbox folder

  1. On the Dropbox Folders page, click on the folder you want to submit to.
  2. Click Add a File to browse for the file you want to submit. You can attach files from your local computer or storage device, a personal locker, a group locker, or ePortfolio.
  3. You can Add a File, Record Video, or Record Audio as feedback. When you finish a recording, click Add.


Learner topics

The Dropbox tool enables you to submit assignments in Learning Environment, eliminating the need to mail, fax, or email your work to instructors. Simply upload your submission to the appropriate dropbox folder and submit.



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