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Viewing content

If you click on a .doc, .docx, .rtf, .rtfx, or .pdf file topic , you can preview it in a document viewer on the topic's page.

The content  viewer enables you to preview documents and bookmark content. It also has controls for you to open the content in a new window, navigate between modules and topics, fit the document to width, download it, and expand it to full screen.

Collapsible side panel within topics

You can access content through a smaller version of the Table of Contents within a topic by opening the collapsible side panel, which only shows the contents of one module at a time. Click or swipe the side tab handle to open the side panel.

Note The swipe-to-open action for the collapsible side panel is not available on the Nexus 7 device.

Browse through modules by clicking the Previous module or Next module, or click the Go to Table of Contents icon to return to the Table of Contents page.

Click or swipe the tab handle to open the collapsible side panel within a topic
