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Note Recently, Desire2Learn documentation users identified an issue when using the JAWs screen reader program. JAWS is unable to detect correct heading levels on all help documentation pages. If you are a screen reader user, we recommend you use NonVisual Desktop Access (NVDA) to optimize your reading and navigation experience.

Desire2Learn Resource Center consists of the following tabs:

  • Accessibility
  • Capture
  • ePortfolio
  • Insights
  • Learning Environment
  • Learning Repository

Clicking on any of these tabs brings you to a landing page containing informative topics for the tool. Clicking on the Learning Environment tab brings you to a landing page containing links to each Learning Environment tool. Click on a link to navigate to a landing page for that tool.

Tip Review the Learner topics for tools that you are unfamiliar with to understand their basic functions.

Accessing Administrator topics

We've separated topics by audience (Learner, Instructor, and Administrator). In order to see Administrator topics, log in to Desire2Learn Community, then click the Desire2Learn Resource Center link in the Help Yourself widget on the Documentation page.


>> What's new in October 2013?


  • Learner


  • Learning Environment