Ignoring and restoring items from users
If you have the appropriate permissions, you can ignore shared items from other users. Once you ignore a user, all items and invites belonging to them are hidden from the following:
- your newsfeed
- the Unread Invites area
- the Invites page
- the Explore page
If you have ignored a user's shared items, you can restore the items at any time, allowing you to view all items shared with you by the previously ignored user.
Ignore items from a user
Ignore Items from User from the context menu of an item authored by the user whose items you want to ignore.
- Click Ignore from the Ignore Items from User? dialog to confirm you want to proceed with this action.
Note Once you ignore items from a user, all items, including ones you subscribed to, are no longer visible to you.
Restore items from a user
On any ePortfolio page, click
Restore Items for the user whose items you want restored.
- Click Restore on the Restore Items from User? dialog to confirm you want to proceed with this action.