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Creating quicklinks to ePortfolio items

Create quicklinks to ePortfolio content in the same way as other quicklinks. However, the person following the link must have that item shared with them. If you want to include quicklinks to ePortfolio items in your course content, ensure your course participants have permission to view the item.

Create a quicklink to an ePortfolio item

  1. Open the HTML Editor.
  2. Click Insert Quicklink.
  3. Click ePortfolio Item from the Insert Quicklink dialog.
  4. Select whether you want to link to a personal or shared item.
  5. Do one of the following:
    • Click on the item you want to link to.
    • Click Options to edit your link title and choose how you want the link to open. Click Insert.
  6. Save the HTML file.
Important  If you include a quicklink or an eP item link to an ePortfolio item in a form, reflection, artifact, or presentation, the referenced item does not inherit permissions from the item containing the link. This means that individuals viewing an item from the quicklink or eP item link must also have direct permission to view the referenced item and follow the link; otherwise, they receive an error message letting them know they do not have permission to view the item.

Similarly, if you include a quicklink in an ePortfolio item to a Learning Environment item, such as a content file, individuals can only follow the link if they have permission to view that item; otherwise they receive an error message letting them know they do not have permission to view the item.
