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Sharing with internal and external users

Use permissions to share ePortfolio items with other users. You can set up separate permissions options for each artifact, collection, reflection, presentation, and learning objective in your ePortfolio so you can pick and choose what content you share with others. You can assign permissions to individual users, sharing groups, groups of users based on course or department enrollment, or the general public through a URL (presentations only). You can choose whether others can see the item, see comments, see assessments, add comments, add assessments, and/or edit the item.

Sharing items with internal users

You can share items with other users in your organization by selecting individual users, all users in a course or group you are enrolled in, or a previously saved sharing group.

For information on saving permission settings using a sharing group, see Setting up sharing groups.

Assign permissions for a user or group of users

  1. Click Share from the context menu of the item you want to make available to others.
  2. Select when you want users to see the item in the Visibility section of the Sharing Setting dialog.
  3. Click Add Users and Groups.
  4. Browse for the users or sharing groups you want to add. Use the Search for field to narrow your browsing results. Users with cascading roles must perform a search to display results.
  5. Click on users or sharing groups in the browse listing to add them to the Selected Users list. Click the Remove icon beside users or sharing groups you want to remove from the Selected Users list.
  6. Select the permissions you want the selected users to have and click Add. View more detail about permission options.

    Note You can adjust permissions for individual users by clicking the Edit Permissions icon beside their name in the Sharing List grid. You can adjust permissions for sharing groups you've created by clicking the Edit Sharing Group link beside their name in the Sharing List grid.

  7. If you want to send an invite to specific users in the Sharing List, select the check boxes beside their names and click Send Invite.
  8. Click Close.

Sharing presentations with external users

You can share ePortfolio presentations with people who are not part of your organization such as friends, parents, or potential employers.

You can share presentations with external users in two ways:

  • You can make the presentation publicly available to anyone through a URL. When you share a presentation this way people can only view the presentation. They cannot add comments to, add assessments to, or edit the presentation.
  • You can send a personal invite to view your presentation via an email and the recipient can follow the attached link to view the presentation. The recipient must set up a username and password, and then they can see and add comments or assessments based on the permissions you gave them. External users cannot edit presentations.

Make a presentation publicly available through a URL

Note  If you make a presentation public via URL, the system includes social media icons (Twitter, Google+, and Facebook) at the top of your presentation to enable further sharing.

  1. Click Share from the context menu of the presentation you want to make available by URL.
  2. Select Anyone with the URL below can access this item from the presentation's Sharing Settings and click Close. Share the provided URL with others.

Make a presentation externally available to specific people and assign them permissions

  1. Click Share from the context menu of the presentation you want to make available to external users.
  2. Click Add Users and Groups from a presentation's Sharing Settings.
  3. Click Click to share the presentation with an external user.
  4. Enter the External Email Address of the external user you want to send an invite to and click Add.
  5. Select the permissions you want the external users to have and click Add. The system automatically notifies external users of their granted permissions. View more detail about permission options.
  6. Click Close.

    Note  The recipient must follow the link in the invite and set up a username and password to view the presentation. The invite expires after three days (or another amount of time set by your organization).

Sending invites

When you send an invite to internal users you are sharing an item with, you have the opportunity to leave them a message about why you are sharing the item and what you’d like them to do with it. Depending on how the user’s preferences are set up, they will receive the message in their email, the Invites area of their dashboard, or an RSS Reader. Recent invites also appear in the Message alerts on the minibar.

Send an invite

  1. In the Sharing Settings dialog for an item, send invites to specific users in the Sharing List by selecting the check boxes beside their names, then click Send Invite.
  2. Complete the invite and click Send.

Important If you send an invite to a sharing group that includes all users at your organization or all users in a particular course or department, all of the users in the group will receive the invite. This may be bothersome to users who do not know you.

See also
