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Changing your reply-to email address

By default, replies to email you send in the system go to your inbox in the Email tool. If you prefer to receive email replies at an external email address, update the 'Reply To' Email Address field in your Email settings. This means that when users reply to your email, the reply-to address you specify appears in their "To:" field.


Accessing Account Settings

  1. Click Account Settings from your personal menu on the minibar.
  2. Use the tabs across the top of the page to view and edit display options:
    • Account Settings
    • Discussions
    • Email

Note Some account settings might not be available depending on how your institution has set up Learning Environment.


Exporting ePortfolio items

When you export an item, you also export the item's description, tags, and settings. You do not export information about the user who created the item, users who left comments on the item, or assessments for the item. When you import an item, the system assumes that the item was created by the importing user.



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