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Changing your password

Your institution should provide you with a web address, username, and password for logging into Learning Environment. After the first time you log in, change your assigned login password to a new password that only you would know.


Running a system check

We recommend you perform a system check to ensure your computer contains the supported system and software requirements used in Learning Environment.

Click Please click here for a System Check before you login on the Login page to run the system check.


Sharing with internal and external users

Use permissions to share ePortfolio items with other users. You can set up separate permissions options for each artifact, collection, reflection, presentation, and learning objective in your ePortfolio so you can pick and choose what content you share with others. You can assign permissions to individual users, sharing groups, groups of users based on course or department enrollment, or the general public through a URL (presentations only). You can choose whether others can see the item, see comments, see assessments, add comments, add assessments, and/or edit the item.


Understanding the Explore page

The Explore page consolidates items others have shared with you or publicly into one view. Others' shared ePortfolio items display in a list that you can sort by name or date modified, ascending or descending. Filters at the top of the list enable you to view content by item type.

From the Explore page you can:



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